It is our determination.

Peace isn't when war ends. The war ends when peace prevails. It is our alter ego that resents us from the truth, forcing us to believe that we lack the control of being able to initiate peace amongst ourselves. However this inner discomfort shall remain embered until we are able to find the serenity within us that can calm the fight that lies within. We solely have the power to decide how we wish to continue our life. Although not all the variables in life remain in our hands, it is our mentality towards the way in which we respond that allows the prevalence of inner happiness. Our minds remain trapped until our hearts are able to speak and fend for the truth. Why should we not allow ourselves to chase after the happiness we yearn? Yes, patience is a virtue and good things come to those who wait, however it is our choice, our ability, to search for that which is needed to calm the raging fight. The mind does not control the soul, until the soul agrees to be enslaved by the mind. Let not the war determine peace, but the peace determine war.


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