One falls, thousands rise.

Palestine. Israel. War. Genocide. Murder. Humanity. Muslims. Children. Women. Endless casualties. They say there was only World War II, yet are we all blinded by the occurrence of World War III? We may not all be a part of this war in a physical state or form, maybe not even know anyone from Gaza, maybe haven't even heard of Palestine. Does such facts really matter when the truth lies with the bottom line. Innocent. Harmless. A whole life left to be lead. Dead. No choice. A father carries his daughter to the hospital in a pool of blood. A boy wakes up only to be told he is the only surviving member of his family. People unable to close their eyes shut because of the fear immersed in their next breath, one of uncertainty. These numbers, these statistics, these media reports we hear of are just a bunch of statistics of the amount of deaths in Gaza. Do not we realise the life behind these numbers? There are people, innocent lives, targeted, killed, destroyed of all opportunities. Is not life more significant than a bunch of statistics we hear of? This is the month of Ramadan, the month of Allah's mercy upon the people of Islam. May the families of those be granted with patience, may their death be raised as martyrs, killed by those heartless to the suffering and loss. I, for one, am sitting here, writing this blog, the comfort of my room, the support of my family, not fearing for my next breath. My brothers and sisters, dying. Killed. And to think of the extreme minimalist support being given to Palestine. They're being called terrorists for lighting a small fire in the streets of Israel, despite the numerous shells and rockets raining above the heads of Palestinians. What sense does this all make. What is happening to our humanity. We are being carried away by the little things in life, complaining about having to study, and wash the dishes, crying over a small pin prick. Our eyes blinded to the reality, people are scared, they fear their life yet here we fear a fly. What sense is this making? What are we doing? Why is this a continuous cycle of deaths. These are lives, just as valuable as the life of mine and yours. Why must our geography, our religion, our choices, result in a blooded massacre. Why is there no action being taken. It hurts to say that the worlds major political groups, such as the USA are parting with the Israelis, saying and I quote ' we accept and allow for Israel to defend itself from these terrorists, as long as they act responsibly'. Terrorists you say, what terrorism acts have these humane and innocent souls committed that allows for the mass wipeout of a population? Please do enlighten me.  And how many deaths will it take before the governments realise what acting irresponsibly means? Our words have power, yet so do our actions. Please spare a moment, and a thought for these innocent lives snatched by horrific methods. Please sign this petition against the USA government's support for the actions of Israel. May Allah swt protect our brothers and sisters, and give the families of Gaza patience in this Dunya.

Petition link:


  1. Such a strong post! Totally agree with everything you've written here. May Allah swt free the oppressed and have mercy on us all.

    Keep doing what you're doing! x

    1. Thank you sister :) May Allah protect us all. Ameen.



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