It was to be.

There's always something that makes each of us content. Something that we have and it just cannot stop the smile beam on our face. I feel so grateful for all the things I have been blessed with. My life has flaws, but the flaws have perfection in them. I used to sit and ponder over my blog posts before, how can I write to make people interested? But sometimes it's the best once you believe in your words and give it the power it deserves by letting it flow at its own pace. It amazes me how people can change in such a short course of time. I never thought my life would quite end up this way. I had my future all thought out. But the precision of the moments of change is simply beautiful. Its about being true to yourself not because its what is expected. Let your future flow in its way. Don't hold back.


  1. Your blog is so amazing to read!
    Keep in touch xoxo :)


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