Late night mind mix.

It's basically past midnight and I must say, I am beyond sleepy. I guess this was a result of my utter bored self one night. Despite it being for random reasons, I happen to quite like this quote. There are so many boundaries and limitations we subconsciously place upon ourselves, only to later blame others for imprinting them in our lives. Our minds, our soul, our heart; that's our greatest war, a challenge we deny ourselves from winning. Sometimes, I would unknowingly set the standards so high for myself that I end up blaming others for setting it for me. I am my hardest critic, my stubbornest friend, my irrational partner, my foolish decisions and my high expectations. I believe that no individual will judge you as harshly as you will judge yourself, every good and every bad is seen more vividly through our own eyes. Nothing seems to be wrong with being our hardest critic or standard, this helps us grow and prosper out of our flaws to change for the better. Amazing people can do amazing things once we learn the balance of ourselves, the perfect bland of critique and joy.

ps. Plain white paper + pretty quilt cover  + filter = Awesome quote :P


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