
Showing posts from 2014

To force upon a change.

Tonight was amongst the nights where I begin to question many things. My choices, my life, my perspective; it's all being put under the light and I see myself making decisions I otherwise would not have fathomed. More often than not, such moments make me happy. It comes to me as a differential point between what truly matter and what I have left to perceive as important. Sudden change can bring about good. "Change is an inevitable process". Oh my love for such concept cannot fairly be expressed after undergoing an entire module in English on the notion of change. *Sigh*, the joys of english. Anywho, I feel enlightened after making quite a decision tonight, although I do hope my faith in this choice isn't as periodic as the thought of change was!

Building a wall to be broken...

Friends come with dramas, and dramas bring about a fair bit of fun in life. Recently, some friends and I have drifted apart, not out of serious intention but instead allowing distance to play its part. I sat there last night, reminiscing the amazing time we had spent, only then to realise that this barrier we had created was made to be destroyed. It only takes one hello before everything automatically does its magic and it all falls perfectly in place. Many say you drift apart from people and it is a part of life, but it is in our control as to who we wish to keep. Let not time nor place overcome a smile that is worth more than effort taken to build this wall. And if it is rejection you fear after being separated for a while, the words unspoken will hold its placing, flowering once again what had once been rooted. People are amazing, in every possible way. Being caught up in our own little world is no good of an excuse. Don't be blind and leave behind the diamonds in your hands w

Late night mind mix.

It's basically past midnight and I must say, I am beyond sleepy. I guess this was a result of my utter bored self one night. Despite it being for random reasons, I happen to quite like this quote. There are so many boundaries and limitations we subconsciously place upon ourselves, only to later blame others for imprinting them in our lives. Our minds, our soul, our heart; that's our greatest war, a challenge we deny ourselves from winning. Sometimes, I would unknowingly set the standards so high for myself that I end up blaming others for setting it for me. I am my hardest critic, my stubbornest friend, my irrational partner, my foolish decisions and my high expectations. I believe that no individual will judge you as harshly as you will judge yourself, every good and every bad is seen more vividly through our own eyes. Nothing seems to be wrong with being our hardest critic or standard, this helps us grow and prosper out of our flaws to change for the better. Amazing peopl

Just another..

When all plans fail. For some horrid reason, I have been happening to fail at all set goals recently. I feel as though an overwhelming fear has leaped within me, one I cannot possibly grasp without having to lose myself. My productivity levels happen to be quite conveniently low, adding to my low state of self. It's not as though I'm undergoing depression or so, just amongst the days whereby I feel that I have been wasteful of time and very unproductive. Well, no use complaining over it, I mean the new day shall begin soon and all the pages will turn, a new beginning; or so. Goodnight guys! *well awkward if nobody actually reads this other than myself!*

It was to be.

There's always something that makes each of us content. Something that we have and it just cannot stop the smile beam on our face. I feel so grateful for all the things I have been blessed with. My life has flaws, but the flaws have perfection in them. I used to sit and ponder over my blog posts before, how can I write to make people interested? But sometimes it's the best once you believe in your words and give it the power it deserves by letting it flow at its own pace. It amazes me how people can change in such a short course of time. I never thought my life would quite end up this way. I had my future all thought out. But the precision of the moments of change is simply beautiful. Its about being true to yourself not because its what is expected. Let your future flow in its way. Don't hold back.

One falls, thousands rise.

Palestine. Israel. War. Genocide. Murder. Humanity. Muslims. Children. Women. Endless casualties. They say there was only World War II, yet are we all blinded by the occurrence of World War III? We may not all be a part of this war in a physical state or form, maybe not even know anyone from Gaza, maybe haven't even heard of Palestine. Does such facts really matter when the truth lies with the bottom line. Innocent. Harmless. A whole life left to be lead. Dead. No choice. A father carries his daughter to the hospital in a pool of blood. A boy wakes up only to be told he is the only surviving member of his family. People unable to close their eyes shut because of the fear immersed in their next breath, one of uncertainty. These numbers, these statistics, these media reports we hear of are just a bunch of statistics of the amount of deaths in Gaza. Do not we realise the life behind these numbers? There are people, innocent lives, targeted, killed, destroyed of all opportunities. Is n

My Limitless Self...

There are times when you must walk beyond the voices you hear, disregard the comments and persevere to be the for the better. "You'll never be able to make it, you're something today however nothing tomorrow." I had let such remarks absorb within myself for a period of time, until my inner sasha fierce released who I truly am; my personal capabilities. They say don't pull a rock to back, or it'll eventually fly right past you. The truth within the diverted image lies within yourself, the boundaries being built only to be controlled by your own limitless self. They all said I wouldn't make it this far with mere success; I may not quite have reached there yet, but I quite certainly am making an entrance!

Let it flow.

Maybe I'm just a tad bit obsessed with henna, I don't really know. Adorning my own hands with henna has quite easily become one of my most favourite hobbies. The simplicity and creativity associated with this spohisticated yet elegant piece of art is what draws me in all the time. I may not be the best henna artist out there, I mean there are bound to be others better, but I never stop myself from letting it flow :)

Design My Future

Henna is such a beautiful means of art. As a child, I used to love seeing brides have their hands adorned with henna, back and front, with patterns that seem to tell their own story. Henna is symbolic to the new life of a wedded couple, and I hope that one day I can add more meaning to it. If henna can connote a fresh beginning for two people, why can it not be used to flip the page on our impoverished society? I hope one day to be able to use the mere skills I have with henna to do my little part in this great big world. #designmyfuture.

Coupled musings...

So here I sit, feeling the urge to blog, yet not knowing what to write. Let's think about it. Change. A short story yet to be written on this topic. Initially, I went by what I thought would be the best to hear. Now I begin to question such mentality. Write what you want, not what they want to hear, for after all the best stories are the ones you can convince yourself are true. Literature is a funny little thing. I never thought I would actually enjoy writing, I quite hated it to be honest. But then there's life, surprising you just when you thought you knew it all. Nobody probably reads anything I write, but that's not a worry. I write because it's what makes me happy, and having a fair bit of an audience would be an amazing part of this experience.

Oppressed or expressed?

I am quite certain that I do but need to spell out the opinion placed upon Muslim women in our society. Oppressed and confined. The Muslim woman is being forcefully described to have this stereotypical undermining role in society. The words compose themselves to paint a pitiful image of these woman who are in need of "sympathy". Why is it that we create opinions yet do not ask of the truth from the originating source? This propaganda of the mistreatment of Muslim women by so-called "extremists" does not parallel the reality of Islam. The Prophet Muhammad (Salallahu Alaiyhi Wasallam) proclaimed Islam at a time where women had no rights. Daughters were being buried alive simply because of their gender. What sense did this condemn? Islam initiated the liberation of females, to the extent whereby the correct raising of a daughter is seen to be a blessing. Women were given property shares and their importance was highlighted. The Muslim ummah is dependent upon the charac

It is our determination.

Peace isn't when war ends. The war ends when peace prevails. It is our alter ego that resents us from the truth, forcing us to believe that we lack the control of being able to initiate peace amongst ourselves. However this inner discomfort shall remain embered until we are able to find the serenity within us that can calm the fight that lies within. We solely have the power to decide how we wish to continue our life. Although not all the variables in life remain in our hands, it is our mentality towards the way in which we respond that allows the prevalence of inner happiness. Our minds remain trapped until our hearts are able to speak and fend for the truth. Why should we not allow ourselves to chase after the happiness we yearn? Yes, patience is a virtue and good things come to those who wait, however it is our choice, our ability, to search for that which is needed to calm the raging fight. The mind does not control the soul, until the soul agrees to be enslaved by the mind. Le

Ramadan Kareem!

Yet again, we have been blessed to experience this holy month of Ramadan. For those unaware, Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar and the most sacred time for believers. It is the month in which Muslims all across the globe unite in the remembrance of Allah through fasting physically and spiritually and engaging in acts of worship. Subhan Allah, Ramadan is here and ever so subtly will it be gone again. I pray for the Muslim ummah to have a rewarding month filled with the mercy of Allah, the most Gracious. May we all have the strength to restrain from the haraam and participate in actions for the sake and reward of Allah SWT. Ramadan Mubarak! The first ten days (1-10) of the Blessed Month of Ramadan are the days of Mercy. So we should seek Allah's Mercy in these days. * Rab-bigh-fir war-ham wa Anta Khair-ur-Raahimeen. (Surah Al Muminun:118) Meaning: My Lord! Forgive and have mercy, for You are the Best of those who show mercy! * Ya Rabb, Allahumma arhamni Y


Well, recently, only just a few days ago I must say, my body turned against me. With a bloated throat and a throbbing head, I could not have possibly felt any better. Seriously though. My friend, the flu, always comes to pay me a visit at the wrong time. I remember, at all exam periods during school, my nose would turn into a tap, I'd be coughing like a dog and to top it off, my voice box disappears. My mind tends to ignore the current situation of myself, being inclined to consume things which are but going to make me feel sick. Thank God I love tea, so it's a simple pleasure to have an excuse to drink 5 cups of warm tea a day. Ah the perks of being ill. To my dear body, please don't be mean to me, I mean, I feed you chocolate and keep you happy :)

Okay? Good.

How are you? How was your day? Such questions hold such sentimental value, allowing ourselves to reflect upon thoughts and feelings. As we look at how we live today, it's all become a cliche. How was your day? There's this automated answer from within responding the simple 'Good' or 'Okay'. The thought is no longer submerged into the answer, it just comes without any force. It doesn't actually matter how your day actually was, or how you felt, it seemingly is easier to abide by the constant and continue with the daily routine adopted in life. It is our naïve self that denigrates the importance of our inner emotions and thoughts, ironic as we seek success from the outer self without realising the impossibility of reaching there without inner satisfaction. Next time, let's give the simple things a bit more thought, for it is these little things which remain by us for us to cherish in moments yet to come.

Two steps forward, one step back.

Many believe that it is an important step in life to keep moving forward and never look back. I don't understand what seems to be so wrong and abominable to take a step back and reflect. We may not be shaped by our past, however it has composed us to be who we currently are. Whenever we move forward in life, it's quite important to stop, turn back and see where we came from. Our only measure of success is with the reflection of who we were yesterday. Why must we be told to forget our previous doings, whether good or bad? We quite definitely have the capability to walk a million miles in our own shoes, however as we begin to gain comfort in our shoes, we must remember what has brought about this difference. Let our past be the movie we turn to in the moments of forgetting who we are. From now on wards, it's two steps forward yet one step back.

Self motivation

Dreams aren't always a fantasy They can turn into the reality If you strive to fulfill them - Bella 

Intimidation at its finest

Am I the only one or are there others who begin to feel uncomfortable whilst driving beside a truck or bus? Whenever I'm in the car and a truck or large vehicle is beside my car, for some reason I tend to panic and move away from the truck. I know it's quite weird to be intimidated by large vehicles, but I guess we all have our own little fears isn't it?

When the day began tonight

So I was sitting there, thinking to myself, "Is this really what it's meant to be?" I am quite frankly a fairly realistic person without much pessimism. Am I the only one who is confused about the priorities in life? Being at the stage of life in which I currently am basically revolves around getting the best possible marks so that there's a life that can be taken on. It all seems so planned, so confined. The joys of life exceed the walls we see around ourselves everyday, there are no limitations. Advice to self: Don't try to plan life because it will be but the expected.